FireIce® Fixed Tanker Base
FireIce® Cool Blue

FireIce® SEAT Trailers

All existing portable tanker base equipment, including SEAT vendor trailers, can be easily retrofitted for FireIce®. Usually this involves adding a FireIce® eductor system, which can be installed unobtrusively and hard or hand plumbed.

We have worked with the majority of SEAT vendors around the country to install eductors on the SEAT trailers, and have supported training vendor loaders on how to mix and load the product. Depending on which vendor is called out, our field operations staff will ensure that the trailers are set up, and that all necessary vendor and agency staff are fully trained on using FireIce®.

For existing portable tanker bases, most liquid and dry powder concentrate operations can be converted to mix and load FireIce®. There are a number of agencies that we work with who have designed, built, and operate portable tanker bases. Similar to SEAT vendor trailers, these tanker bases can be easily modified with the addition of a FireIce® eductor to mix and load FireIce® products.

For SEAT Vendors interested in installing our FireIce® eductors, please contact us for more information.



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