The FireIce® XT Modular Indirect Suppression Toolkit (MIST) deploys eco-friendly FireIce® XT gel to immediately suppress heavy machinery engine compartment fires, while also coating and protecting surrounding assets from ignition and radiant heat.
Unit comes in sections that may be strategically installed in an engine compartment.
Effective in a wide variety of configurations.
Extinguish combustion engine or lithium-ion battery fires when deployed with FireIce ST.
Suppressant effective up to 5,000° F.
Adheres to virtually all surfaces.
Ease of Use
Compatible with FireIce 64 oz. canisters and FireIce 2.5-gallon canisters.
The canister is easily filled with FireIce® XT and charged with nitrogen.
Refills are available to purchase in either 64 fl. oz. containers or 55-gallon drums of FireIce® XT.
Heater jackets are also available.
Non-toxic to the environment and less corrosive to equipment relative to competitor products.
Product Name
Product No.
FireIce® XT MIST System
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Operating Pressure: 225 PSI
System Components:
(1) Indirect Low Pressure (ILP) Valve with Pressure Gauge